GENEDIAN iRapid 4 POC Real Time-Pcr Detection System is a fully automatic integrated real time Pcr System with simplified operation, prompt detection results within 30 minutes. Configured with GENEDIAN POC SARS-CoV-2 Nucleic Acid Detection Kit, the 4-well system is able to detect Delta, Omicron and other COVID-19 virus mutations listed in VOC list announced by WHO.
Rapid detection: Results in 30 minutes maximum.
Flexible operation: 4 independent PCR reaction channels.
High-efficiency: Efficient heating and cooling performance, which is able to reach 12.5 ℃/ sec.
High-sensitivity: Sensitive detection of single-copy gene.
Dual target fragments: ORF1ab gene and N gene, can detect Delta, Omicron and other mutations.
Space saving. Footprint with dimension of 305 mm x 237 mm x 215 mm (L×W×H).
Testing throughput - 4 wells
Testing principle - PCR Fluorescence quantitative PCR
Testing duration - 30 minutes
Testing channel - 4 channels (FAM/HEX/ROX/CY5)
Automation - No need to transfer samples
Testing method - Independent température control for each well, ready for détection at any ti'me
Reaction volume - >= 25 pL (<= 50 pL)
Testing sensitivity - Single copy
Optical performance - Light source: high-energy,long-life four-color LED Detecton High-sensitivity photodiode
Température performance - Heating and cooling module:liquid métal coated ceramic heating/air bath Maximum speed of température change:12.5°C/sec ( 50°C-100°C ) Module température control:< 0.3’C Température accuracy:±0.3’C (50’C-100’C)