The test kit is used for the quantitative determination of procalcitonin (PCT) in human serum, plasma or whole blood samples in vitro.
Procalcitonin (PCT) is the prohormone of calcitonin (CT), which is generally less than 0.1 ng/mL in the blood of healthy people, and its secretion increases after being stimulated by pro-inflammatory responses, especially after bacterial infection. Procalcitonin is an important marker that can specifically distinguish bacterial infection from inflammatory response caused by other reasons. Viral infection, allergy, autoimmune disease and transplant rejection do not cause significant elevation of procalcitonin, while local bacterial infection can result in moderate elevation of procalcitonin concentrations. In some cases (neonatal, multiple trauma, burns, major surgery, prolonged or severe cardiogenic shock), the elevation of procalcitonin may not be related to infection and usually returns to normal values quickly.
PCT is an ideal indicator for the auxiliary diagnosis of severe bacterial infection and septicopyemia, sepsis and other diseases, and has high sensitivity and specificity for systemic bacterial infection, septicopyemia, sepsis, etc.
[Test Principle]
This test kit uses fluorescence immunochromatography technology to quantitatively detect the content of procalcitonin (PCT) in serum, plasma or whole blood samples by double antibody sandwich method. After the sample is added to the test card, PCT in the sample reacts with the fluorescently labeled PCT monoclonal antibody 1 to form a complex, which continues forward chromatography along the nitrocellulose membrane to the test line,