Observe how, even when at rest, muscles remain dense and strong. Made of lifelike BIOLIKE 2™ to provide a realistic feel, look, and texture, this 17-cm x 4-cm, 1-pound (0.5 kg) muscle model provides a great way to show the benefits of physical activity. Comes with an informative, two-sided tent card that highlights the benefits of exercise.
This realistic, weighted, soft model is made of BIOLIKE 2™ and duplicates the look, texture, and density of 1 lb (0.5 kg) of muscle at rest. Use it in comparison with our Glob of Fat Model (1 lb) to highlight the differences between body fat and muscle. Also features an informative tent card that explains the benefits of physical activity, such as strong bones, improved control of blood sugar levels, and reduced blood pressure and cholesterol. Actual weight of model may vary slightly.