This product is a direct replacement for the former Winona Silhouette pendant. The Healthcare Lighting Silhouette pattern pendant pairs smart technology and aesthetics for healthcare settings. Available with a full range of sizes, finishes and patterns, Silhouette is complete with advanced dimming and controls: nLight®, Mainstream Dynamic Tunable White and Warm Dimming along with independently specifiable direct and indirect distributions. Patterns available for this pendant include; Fence, Rail, Fields, Field Stone and Foliage. The single stem pendant is available in the following diameters: 18”, 24”, 36” and 48”. The cable-mounted stem is available in the following diameters: 24", 36" and 48".
Size - 3FT, 4FT, 18 IN, 24 IN
Light Source - LED - Dynamic, LED - Static
Dynamic Feature - Tunable White, Warm Dimming
Lumens - 1000 LM, 1100 LM, 1200 LM, 1400 LM, 1500 LM, 1800 LM, 2000 LM, 2200 LM, 2300 LM, 2400 LM, 2500 LM, 2600 LM, 2700 LM, 2800 LM, 3000 LM, 3100 LM, 3200 LM, 3300 LM, 3400 LM, 3500 LM, 3600 LM, 3800 LM, 4000 LM, 4500 LM, 5000 LM, 5500 LM, 6000 LM, 6500 LM, 7000 LM, 7500 LM, 8000 LM, 8500 LM, 9000 LM, 9500 LM, 10,000 LM, 10,500 LM, 11,000 LM
Compliance Listing - BAA
Regulatory Listing - CSA
Dimming Protocol - 0-10V
Fixture Wattage - 126, 128, 140, 201, 209, 215, 30, 36.5, 66, 67
Voltage Rating - 120, 120-277, 277, 347