elisa 300 combines the advantages of the compact class with the performance features of a modern universal ventilator. The ventilator offers the option of invasive and non-invasive ventilation therapy as well as high-flow O2 therapy.
The brilliant 12.1-inch color screen is the central control element and guarantees the simplest operation. A wide range of support functions assist the user at daily routine tasks.
Daily awakening trials, propofol syndrome, prompt neurological assessment of the ventilated intensive care patient or reduction of symptomatic transitory psychotic syndrome - there are many motivations for the use of volatile anesthetics in the context of intensive care therapy. We have taken up this challenge and implemented a comprehensive strategy for "Safety, including essential performance, for anesthesia workplaces". This is not just about the safe operation of intensive care ventilators and the effects of narcotic gases on the materials of the intensive care ventilator. The anesthetic function compensates for the in- and expiratory resistance on exhalation of the Sedaconda system, thereby avoiding the prolongation of the medium exhalation time, reducing the risk of trapping and warranting the accuracy of the volume measurement.
In combination with the LEOLYZER multi-gas sensor, agent gases can optionally be precisely measured and monitored directly with the elisa.
Volumetric capnometry.
In the age of lung-protective forms of ventilation, the efficiency of ventilation can be optimized through targeted action on the ratio of dead volume to tidal volume.