The PG 618 USB is a bipotentiostat/bigalvanostat that features two different amplifier boards. The first amplifier board has a compliance voltage of ±12 V and a working current range from 20 nA to 100 mA. The second amplifier board has a compliance voltage of ±5 V and a working current range from 5 pA to 2 µA. Providing such a huge current range makes the PG 618 USB unique in the market. In the PG 618 USB both working electrodes can be controlled independently from each other. Further, having two working electrodes available allows to investigate redox chemistry in a ring-disc configuration.
1. Amplifier Board:
Current Range: 20 nA to 100 mA
Voltage Ranges: 0.02 / 0.2 / 2 / 10 V
Bandwidth: 30 to 300 kHz
Stimulus Filter: 20 to 200 kHz, Bypass
Output Filter: 20 to 200 kHz
2. Amplifier Board:
Current Range: 5 pA to 2 µA
Voltage Ranges: 1 / 5 V (500 pA to 2 µA) or 1 V (5 pA to 200 pA; High Gain Range)
Bandwidth (Filter 1): 15 Hz to 100 kHz
Stimulus Filter: 10 / 100 kHz
Output Filter (Filter 2): 100 Hz to 10 kHz