Portable, speed-controlled electrode polisher for use with standard upright or dissection microscopes. For abrasion, polishing and rejuvenation of all types of glass-insulated, disc-shaped ultramicroelectrodes/microelectrodes.
By tuning the grading of the abrasive foil as well as the speed of the polishing disc and the feed rate along the microelectrode axis (X-axis), it is possible to either just remove accumulations of electrochemical active components and dirt or even to abrade considerable masses of glass, which can be necessary to rejuvenate an microelectrode tip.
Different graded adhesive abrasive foils are part of shipment and can be changed easily.
Compatible to all standard upright or dissection microscopes
Speed-controlled (4000 - 12000 rpm)
Direction of rotation can be changed by extra switch
3 different graded abrasive foils (20 pieces from each)
Cleaning, polishing, rejuvenation of (ultra)microelectrodes
Precise control of polishing process by micrometer tables along X- and Y- axises