SmartLUX allows to perform simultaneous image acquisition and electrophysiological recordings. The timing of a fluorescence excitation light source, the camera and the electrophysiological command signals are synchronized by the Pulse Generator of PATCHMASTER.
Fluorescence mean values from regions of interest (ROI), which can be marked by the user in the image, are plotted together with e.g. the current trace in the Oscilloscope window and stored together with the other data in PATCHMASTER's data tree.
When stepping through the data tree, SmartLUX shows the corresponding image. In case more images have been acquired during a single sweep, the individual images are shown when stepping through the data points of the fluorescence trace using the scan function of the Oscilloscope
Fluorescence Excitation light sources which can be controlled in the same way as:
Polychrome and Oligochrome from TILL Photonics
OptoScan from Cairn Research
DG-4/DG-5 wavelength switcher from Sutter Instrument Company
Lambda 10 filter wheels from Sutter Instrument Company
DeltaRAM monochromator from PTI
Live Mode
Auto and manual scaling (Min / Max)
Mouse tip shows pixel position and intensity value
Up to 3 different wavelength in a sweep recording
Online plotting of mean fluorescence values from ROIs together with sweep data
Direct link between image data and electrophysiological/electrochemical data when replaying sweeps of electrophysiological data the first image taken in the sweep is automatically shown
When scanning through individual data points of a fluorescence trace the corresponding image is automatically shown