Today’s 5 minutes Therapy
Period pain (menstrual pain) happens due to excessive contraction of uterus and it is frequently occurred to ladies in childbearing age.
To alleviate this pain, the medication such as painkillers or muscle relaxant has been used.
But these days, TENS(Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator) is emerging as a new way of relaxing period pain.
There is a limit in amount of pain signal that the nerve can transmit to brain.
Using this point, TENS add another neural stimulation to the path that the nerve transmit menstrual pain signal to brain.
So it disturbs the transmission of pain signals and consequently it gets to relieve period pain.
Additionally, TENS itself can alleviate the pain while activating the secretion of hormone such as endorphins, which is effective in relaxing period pain.
Easy & Safety
Tens Device for Relieving Menstrual Pain.
For students with lack of concentration.
For workers with frequent absence.
For housewives with depression and lethargy.
All due to severe menstrual Pain.
There is a limit in amount of signal that the nerve can transmit to brain. Using this point TENS add another neural stimulation to the path that the nerve transmit menstrual pain signal to brain. So it disturbs the transmission of pain signals and consequently it gets to relieve menstrual pain.
Everyday with Hicare-Lady
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