With features to support your patient care initiatives, a variety of surface options, and Nurse Call integration, the Hillrom Advanta 2 Bed is intended to provide patient support for low to moderate acuity patients in the medical/surgical area of the hospital.
The Hillrom Advanta 2 Med Surg Bed helps to provide support for both patients and caregivers with features designed to support your fall prevention protocols like Care Grip side rails and a bed exit alarm.
Designed with Patient Safety in Mind
The Hillrom Advanta 2 Med Surg Bed offers numerous features designed to support your patient safety initiatives, including electric vascular position options that allows the caregiver to place the patient's legs above the level of the patient's sternum without placing the bed in the Trendelenburg position.
Other safety and comfort features of the Hillrom Advanta 2 Bed include:
Audible “brake not set” alarm
Patient egress assist handle
Bed exit alarm
30-degree head-of-bed alarm
Positioning controls for patients
Bed articulation technology to support patient positioning
Easy Maintenance and Use
With four-corner brakes and steering controls, the Hillrom Advanta 2 Med Surg Bed can be easily moved by one person, and its flat and open deck is designed for easy cleaning. It also offers:
Integrated line manager for IV lines
Connects to applications like Nurse Call
IntelliDrive powered transport
Integrated scale
Support Your Fall Protocols
Features like the Care Grip side rail and bed exit alarm system help support easy and safe mobilization of patients—and support your existing fall protocols.