TEC 2900 Trimodular Embedding Center incorporates three separate components in sturdy structure and a new compact and ergonomic design:
Main Console (paraffin dispenser), Cryo Console (cold plate for cooling blocks), Thermal Console (Thermal plate stationary samples).
The flexibility of the 3 modules allows the positioning of the Cryo console and the Thermal console both on the right or the left of the dispensing unit, according to the operator's preference.
In the Main Console, the functions can be changed through the front control panel for easy management and temperature control is conducted by electronic thermostat with microprocessor.
You can also view and edit different temperatures than the tank containing the paraffin tray cassettes and the work plan.
Two large trays (1.4 liters) placed on the Main console allow the housing of standard and macro casette as well as base molds.
Equipped with a lighting system to LED cold light enables optimal illumination and removable magnifying glass.
Paraffin dispensing is possible both by manual control, by inserting the cassette, or with footswitch.
Start command for instant paraffin melting.