The TM4000 Series offers multiple EDS systems to choose from based on application and budget. All detectors offered are of compact design and do not require LN2.
: Example configuration of Quantax75 EDS in combination with a TM4000 Series SEM
: Detector: Built-in type
Intuitive operation with local spectra observation at specified locations
High-speed colorized X-ray mapping with easy operation
Hypermap function for spot analysis, line analysis, and mapping results in a single acquisition
Dual mode display
Multilateral data visualization is made possible by displaying simultaneous result of spot analysis or line analysis while performing elemental mapping in real time.
Spot analysis
Spectrum displayed in real time, allowing easy visualization of elemental composition for a targeted ROI.
Example at right demonstrates elemental composition at various locations tracked across a linear range.
Live deconvolution
Spectra with overlapping peaks can be separated and visually mapped in real time.
Item - Description
Detector type - Silicon drift detector (SDD)
Detection area - 30 mm2
Energy resolution - 148 eV(Cu-Kα)
(Mn-Kα: equivalent 129 eV or less)
Detection element - B5~Cf98