The most advanced broad ion beam system for producing exceptionally high-quality cross-section or flat-milling samples for electron microscopy.
Cross-section milling rate: 1 mm/hour!*1
The ArBlade 5000 is equipped with a fast-milling Ar ion gun with a milling rate twice as high for cutting-edge performance, thus dramatically reducing the processing time for cross-section preparation.
Cross-section widths up to 8 mm!
For large-area milling requirements such as electronic-device applications, a revolutionary cross-section milling holder design has been developed for wider-area fabrication.
Example of wide-area cross-section milling
(Specimen: electronic component, Milling time: 5 hours)
Hybrid Model: Dual-Milling Configuration Available
The all new ion-milling system is equipped with both cross-section milling and flat milling modes for the most complex application needs.
Equipped with multiple holders, the ArBlade 5000 system accommodates a wide range of applications.
Cooling unit*
Cryogenic versions of the ArBlade 5000 provide active cooling of the cross-section milling stage during sample processing. An integrated liquid nitrogen dewar connected to the cross-section stage effectively removes heat induced during ion-beam milling from the shielding mask and sample.
- The digital Cryo Temperature Control (CTC) unit allows operators to set a desired cooling temperature by placing a heater and sensor directly at the cross-section shielding mask so that a desired process temperature can be accurately maintained.
- At the conclusion of cryo-milling, the specimen stage is gently warmed up to room temperature in order to avoid ice formation