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Automatic sample preparation system ArBlade 5000
for electron microscopycoolingbenchtop

automatic sample preparation system
automatic sample preparation system
automatic sample preparation system
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for electron microscopy
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The most advanced broad ion beam system for producing exceptionally high-quality cross-section or flat-milling samples for electron microscopy. Features Cross-section milling rate: 1 mm/hour!*1 The ArBlade 5000 is equipped with a fast-milling Ar ion gun with a milling rate twice as high for cutting-edge performance, thus dramatically reducing the processing time for cross-section preparation. Cross-section widths up to 8 mm! For large-area milling requirements such as electronic-device applications, a revolutionary cross-section milling holder design has been developed for wider-area fabrication. Example of wide-area cross-section milling (Specimen: electronic component, Milling time: 5 hours) Hybrid Model: Dual-Milling Configuration Available The all new ion-milling system is equipped with both cross-section milling and flat milling modes for the most complex application needs. Equipped with multiple holders, the ArBlade 5000 system accommodates a wide range of applications. Cooling unit* Cryogenic versions of the ArBlade 5000 provide active cooling of the cross-section milling stage during sample processing. An integrated liquid nitrogen dewar connected to the cross-section stage effectively removes heat induced during ion-beam milling from the shielding mask and sample. - The digital Cryo Temperature Control (CTC) unit allows operators to set a desired cooling temperature by placing a heater and sensor directly at the cross-section shielding mask so that a desired process temperature can be accurately maintained. - At the conclusion of cryo-milling, the specimen stage is gently warmed up to room temperature in order to avoid ice formation
*Prices are pre-tax. They exclude delivery charges and customs duties and do not include additional charges for installation or activation options. Prices are indicative only and may vary by country, with changes to the cost of raw materials and exchange rates.