The NX5000 “ETHOS” FIB-SEM platform targets advanced position-accurate applications in the areas of automated production of ultra-fine TEM lamellae for aberration-corrected TEM/STEM, high-resolution multi signal SEM examination of serial sample sections, and fabrication applications.
Product features:
- High-resolution FE-SEM with either cold or Schottky field emitter and dual electrostatic-magnetic objective lens: magnetic immersion mode for high-resolution imaging, magnetic field-free mode for simultaneous FIB operation
- Ga+ FIB column with up to 100nA ion current and good low-kV properties for fast FIB cuts and low-damage TEM lamella surfaces
- Large sample chamber with 155x155mm2 sample stage and many access points for optional accessories. An airlock for 150mm diameter samples and inert gas transfer (“air protection”) is possible
- Detector system with 3 in-column detectors (2x backscatter, 1x SE) and chamber SE detector. All 4 signals can be recorded and displayed simultaneously