Videonystagmography is a diagnostic method that is used for the differential diagnosis of balance disorders by recording eye movements. The sensorimotor system (sensory perception and movement) is responsible for an intact sense of balance; its central component is the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR). Disorders in this system can result in dizziness and impairments to the sense of balance. Computer technology lends itself positively to making complex nystagmography analyses easier. To this end, the VNG is connected to a PC or Notebook through a USB 2.0 interface. The highly specific algorithm is capable of identifying the pupil in an eye image and parameterising it. Even eyes with make-up can be measured. Eye movements are automatically imaged and analysed. The application programme is based on a patient database that contains all related data such as basic patient data, exam-specific data and test data, and makes them available to the user at the press of a button. It analyses the test data independently and presents it on a monitor together with the video image of the patient's eye. In its basic version, the programme offers tests for spontaneous nystagmus and calorifics, as well as positional nystagmus tests. Expanding it to include saccadic, optokinetic and swivel chair tests is possible at any time. User friendly routine check with the nystagmography system with:
• real time image of the eyes
• improved image processing alorithm
• automatic nystagmus detection
• calculation of all relevant parameters
• improved automatic artefact rejection
• full automatic test sequences
• detailed results printout
• no other computer hardware needed