This electric ICU bed has been carefully designed to ensure we’re providing the right device to help you deliver the highest quality care. It’s compliance with the international standard of hospital bed and suitable for all ICU room. This bed is the most popular and best-selling of our ICU beds due to its high cost performance.
Key features
- Four motors
- X-ray cassette holder under translucent backrest
- Central brake at foot end
Standard functions
- Back section up/down
- Knee section up/down
- Auto-contour
- Whole bed up/down
- Trendelenburg/Reverse Tren.
- Back section X-ray
- Auto-regression
- Manual quick release CPR
- Electric CPR
- One button cardiac chair position
- One button trendelenburg
- Angle display
- Backup battery
- Built-in patient control
- Under bed light
Denmark LINAK motors create smooth movement in hospital beds and ensure the safety and quality of all HOPE-FULL electric beds.