Instrument dedicated to thin layer cytological samples preparation starting from liquid-phase specimens collected in apposite vials containing CYTOfast preservative liquid.
The CYTOfast Plus set-up principle is based on Nephelometric Smart Technology (NST), corresponding to a cytological samples pre-analytical nephelometric reading, in order to define their cell concentration. Consequently, the instrument takes the ideal sample rate containing about 50,000 cells needed to set-up a slide with an homogeneous thin layer cell deposition. The processing is completed with the cells deposition in a thin layer on the slide by centrifugation. The final set up presents the cytological sample disposed on a thin layer in a 17-mm-diameter circular area.
The CYTOfast Plus produced slide is 100% representative of the collected sample thanks to the Filterless set-up technology, which places on the slide all the sample elements for a complete overview. Thanks to the NST technology it is always possible to have appropriate preparations, even in the cases of samples rich in their background materials, such as red blood cells, inflammation elements, etc. The instrument is also equipped with a sample/slide matching tool for safe sample processing.
The CYTOfast Plus system is the highest productivity system on the market, with a Turn Around Time (TAT) of 60 slides/ hour, which corresponds to a sample processed per minute.
Productivity: up to 1 sample per minute
Reading position: 1
Abort Process: “Abort” button
Manufacturer: Hospitex International S.r.l.