Is designed to provide excellent distance vision and well balanced intermediate and near vison.
Is designed to provide excellent near vision and well balanced distance and intermediate vision.
Patient reported outcomes
High self-reported spectacle independence and patient satisfaction when pairing VivinexTM GemetricTM and VivinexTM GemetricTM Plus 6 months after surgery (n=36)
Clinically proven rotational stability.
More than 96% of implanted lenses rotated s 5° including eyes with high axial lengths.
Incorporates the Vivinex™ proprietary aspheric optic design which partially compensâtes for corneal spherical aberration and is more tolerant to sources of coma than standard aspheric designs.
Glistening-free IOL material Grade 0 based on Miyata et al. with 11.6 ± 5.7 MV/mm
Active oxygen Processing treatment a smooth surface and square optic edge to reduce PCO