Proven hydrophobic acrylic lens material:
over 10 million units implanted worldwide, over 20 years
Significant PCO reduction:
achieved through HOYA’s proprietary active oxygen processing treatment to the posterior surface of the Nanex™ IOL
Nanex™ multiSert+™ showed a consistent trend towards stronger PCO inhibition versus AcrySof® IQ across all three scores
In a GLP-study evaluating the PCO of Nanex™ multiSert+™ (NC1-SP) and AcrySof® IQ (SN60WF) in rabbits, while not statistically significant, Nanex™ multiSert+™ showed a trend towards less PCO in comparison with AcrySof® IQ, in the 4-week postoperative study.
What features of an IOL limit PCO?
Cutting edge surface treatment technology to reduce PCO Active oxygen
Processing treatment improves adhesion between the posterior surface of the IOL and the capsule by creating functional groups on the IOL surface