Calibra is an XTS (AlTiN)* coated composite instrument which helps to provide the proper anatomical curvature to the dentin material layer of a restoration and leaves the ideal space for the final layer of enamel material.
Calibra consists of two terminals: “IN” which defines the dentinal
skeleton. “OUT” which allows to verify the thickness and shape
of the last layer without excess. This instrument is in fact both
the first caliper ever produced to check the thickness (a practical
alternative to the sagittal silicone index) and the first modeling
tool ever produced for the last layer.
If you use a dentin / enamel system, you can use Calibra in the following way.
(If you use only one shade, go to the description of the Calibra OUT):
1. Once the box technique has been performed (molding of the palatal wall, the incisal
edge and the interproximal walls), place the selected dentine inside the box.
2. Put the Calibra IN in position by sliding the pointed end inside the incisal edge, while
the end of the instrument will rest on the sound part of the tooth. Starting from the
center of the tooth (or restoration), move the Calibra IN first towards the mesial and,
subsequently, from the center towards the distal; then remove the excess composite
by connecting with tools or brushes.