Easyseal test cards(pouches) can be used to detect and record the performance parameters of the sealer when it operates They can clearly show the sealing result and quality of a sealer by outstanding the defects of the sealing edge,so sealing problems could be found out quickly and the sealing parameters can be adjusted accordingly to satisfy the sealing requirements and ensure the sealing quality, at the same time the test specimens can be stored for validation or following up the sealing quality in the future.
Product Description
Our Easyseal test cards(pouches)can be used to detect and record the performance parameters of the sealer when it operates They can clearly show the sealing result and quality of a sealer by outstanding the defects of the sealing edge,so sealing problems could be found out quickly and the sealing parameters can be adjusted accordingly to satisfy the sealing requirements and ensure the sealing quality, at the same time the test specimens can be stored for validation or following up the sealing quality in the future.
> Continuous and complete;
> No channel or unsealed area;
> No perforation or torn parts;
> N0 separated layers
Application Of Sealing Test Cards(Pouches)
There are two types of sealing test cards(pouches): high-temperature paper-plastic pouch test cards(pouches) and Tyvek low-temperature sealing test cards(pouches). The pouches to be sealed for high-temperature steam sterilization or ethylene oxide sterilization should use paper-plastic pouch test cards(pouches);while those for low temperature plasma sterilization should use Tyvek test cards(pouches);