Hulaser Inc. which conducted research, development, production and distribution of dental semiconductor laser since 2002 created K4 Eco Laser through 3 years of R&D and know-hows.
Easily seen monitor and convenient operation method
LED lighting
Voice confirmation
No power cable
No foothold
wirless , smaal and easy moving
Concentration of Hulaser technologies We are absolutely sure that our product is in the first place in the category of dental semiconductor laser.
Took 3 years and 6 months from design to completion System platform optimized for K4 Eco
Cutting-edge material for radiating
Unique design:
Hybrid type laser with high-tech function
Easy and diverse User Interface
System Programming without any error
Inoculation of elaborate processing technology
Higher credibility through the transportation of ZAP technology
Innovation Function:
World's first détachable magnetic handpiece holder
World's first time display function to prevent excessive use of laser
Generous maximum output power 5W
32 various preset functions thatthe beginners and experts can easily use
2015 NEW Version - Médical function (prévention ofeye wrinkleand hair
loss through laser) has been added to dental category
Easy setting
World's first and onlyAuto/Manual functions for laser irradiation
Offer brief information about treatment