The HUBI-BNP is a rapid, point of care test based on immunechromatography assay to be used with the HUBI-QUAN pro for the quantitative measurement of B-type natriuretic peptide(BNP) in EDTA anticoagulated whole blood or plasma specimens.
Heart failure is an important clinical syndrome which compromises left ventricular systolic of diastolic function or a combination of both. Heart failure occurs when the heart is unable to pump blood at a rate sufficient for metabolic requirements. Its common causes are coronary artery disease, hypertension, valvular is important since effective therapeutic interventions are available, which improve both morbidity and mortality. Based on clinical signs and symptoms, the severity of heart failure is classified into four classes of increasing disease progression according to the New York Heart Association classification(NYHA class I -IV). The natiuretic peptide system is a family of structurally similar but genetically distinct peptides, which include atrial natriuretic peptide(ANP) and B-type natriuretic peptide(BNP) of myocardial cell origin and C-type natriuretic peptide(CNP) of endothelial cell origin.
These peptides are characterized by a common 17 amino acid ring structure with a disulfide bond between two cysteine residues. The heart is the main source of circulating BNP in humans. The molecule is released into the blood in response to increased heart pressure. Various studies have demonstrated that increased levels of circulating BNP are found in early stages of CHF.