Humphries Casters & Supplies distributes Water Resistant shower chair casters ranging from nylon casters to top-quality stainless steel shower chair casters. Shower chair casters can be purchased as a swivel caster or as a total lock caster.
Total lock casters, are a safety feature that protects hospital patients and nursing home residents from falls. In order to reduce falls and the associated liability, most of the medical facilities that Humphries Casters & Supplies works with have made our Total Lock casters their standard caster. Some manufacturers are installing Total Lock casters on their shower chair products. We recommend that your next shower chair casters include Total Lock brakes.
Plastic twin wheel shower chair casters (typically nylon casters)—Are the least expensive in the short-term. Other than low-cost, the only advantage of these casters is that the plastic materials are “water-proof”. Most do not utilize bearings. Their performance quickly deteriorates and they can become hard to roll or swivel in a short amount of time. They can be tough on your floors and have even scratched and scuffed floor surfaces.
Premium Plastic Casters for Shower chairs-Are similar to a better quality metal caster except the caster rig (sometimes called housing or frame or bracket) is made of a strong plastic instead of metal. This caster combines the best of metal casters with the best of plastic casters. This gives you no rust and a nice rolling caster that will last longer than inexpensive disposable twin wheel casters. These casters are available with the total lock safety feature.