The medical compressed air system consists of the air compressor, general filter, aftercooler, precision filter,desiccant air dryer, air buffer tank, activated carbon filter, compressed air quality monitor, pressure regulator, automatic control cabinet, alarm, valve, pipeline and terminal.
The system generates compressed air through an air compressor, removes the impurities, oil mist and moisture in the compressed air through desiccant air dryer, filter unit, delivers the air to the air buffer tank and supplies it through a pipeline to the terminal equipment in the operating room, ICU and other inpatient wards after decompression.
Main Functions
Remove the impurities, water and oil in the compressed air and produce clean and dry medical air;
Mixed with oxygen as a mixture of anesthetic gases;
Patient and Infant care;
Power (instead of nitrogen) pneumatic surgical drill, reamer, saw, cutter, thread tap and screw;
Clean and dry medical air can prevent the damage of anesthesia machine or ventilator.