Absorbable surgical suture PGA has emerged as a groundbreaking solution for surgical wound closure. In this article, we explore the wide range of benefits and applications of PGA sutures. With their exceptional biodegradability, strength, and versatility, PGA sutures play a significant role in facilitating optimal wound healing. Join us as we delve into the unique properties of absorbable surgical suture PGA and discover why it is the go-to choice in diverse surgical specialties, providing improved patient comfort and superior outcomes.
PGA is a synthetic absorbable, braided, coated suturecomposed of aPolyglycolic acid (PGA) and is availableboth dyed and un-dyed.When dyed, onlyFDA-approvedcolor additives such as D&CViolet No. 2 areused.The un-dyed suture ismilkwhite (beige) in color.PGA is characterised by very high initial strength anda reabsorption, adequated tothe healing processes, thusproviding the maximum safety expected from syntheticabsorbable braids.
Its mechanism ofAbsorption takes place by hydrolysisand guarantees a very high rate of tensile strength anda minimum degree of absorption in the initial critical phaseof healing. In vitroLinear tensile strength retention after2 weeks inPBS (PH=7.4) at37℃≥65%BSRThe total absorptionduration is between 50-80 daysafter the implantation, avoiding adverses reactionsand tisular inflammation.
The residual tensile strengthis the tensile strength thatthe suture supports during the healing period.Afterimplantation, the strength ofan absorbable suturedecreases over time. The retention time represents thetime during which the suture retains a certain degree of