The Helicobacter-Pylori antigen rapid test kit (stool) is a rapid visual immunoassay for the qualitative detection of helicobacter pylori antigen in human stool specimens. This kit is used as an aid in the diagnosis of H. pylori infection.
Explain :
The Helicobacter-Pylori antigen Rapid test kit (stool) is a rapid visual immunoassay for the qualitative detection of helicobacter pylori antigen in human stool specimens. This kit is used as an aid in the diagnosis of H. pylori infection.
The function parts of the test kit are diluting liquid and test cards which contain immunological reagent on the chromatographic membrane. The stationary reagent line that has been applied onto the membrane in the test area (T) is otherwise invisible, but if the serum passes through membrane contains HP antigen to the specific HP antibody, the line turns distinctly red in the test area. The control line that has been put on the membrane in the control area (C) invisible before the test turns red during the assay process, thus indicates proper performance of the test device. Regardless of the existence of HP antigen in the sample, the control line will appear.