Comfortable, reliable, safe, durable and easy to use cameras. Practically do not need mechanical maintenance.
Comply with the legislation in force.
CE Marking.
Certified by the Spanish Navy (OCEPIT) under its strict safety and operation standards.
They are multiplace cameras with two compartments, specially designed for applications related to emergency situations and decompression operations in professional diving, which allow to carry out simulated dives and aid in teaching, among other applications.
Their size and weight make them ideal for placing them on site as they are easily transportable in a medium truck, being also adaptable to a standard 20 or 40 ft container, trailer, boat or vehicle.
We adapt the cameras with the equipment required in each case, thus guaranteeing the satisfaction of the end user.
Oxygen-on-demand respirator mask system (possibility of different models).
Possibility of incorporating options, among others, such as:
Fixed system against fire in chamber and antechamber, in accordance with the EN-16081 Standard.
Air conditioning system in the main chamber, to maintain comfortable environmental conditions inside.
Carbon dioxide absorber equipment.
IBERCOGRAPHIC data collection system, of the main variables of the system.
IBERCOMATIC automatic and semi-automatic control system.
Special oxygen breathing systems (BIBS).
Different sizes, number of seats and stretchers.
Different working pressures.
Incorporation of equipment and / or systems requested on demand by the Client.