Gel Dimensions: 7.0 cm (wide) x 10.0 cm (long)
Maximum Sample Capacity: 30 samples (2 combs, 15 samples ea)
Buffer Capacity: 250 ml
Distance Between Electrodes: 19.3 cm
Maximum Voltage: 200 V
Comes with: vented lid, UVT casting tray, casting fixture, two 1.5 mm x 8 tooth combs, bubble level, and power cords
IBI’s QS-710 Quick-Screening Electrophoresis Gel Box is designed for rapid, linear separations of nucleic acids. It requires minimal setup and provides excellent band resolution with consistent lane-to-lane mobility for accurate results. The QS-710 is versatile for use with applications requiring quick screens such as fragment analysis and recombinant screening in 30 minutes or less.
The maximum suggested applied voltage for the electrophoresis of DNA in agarose gels, using the QS-710, is 100 volts. In a 1% TBE gel, this translates into a run time of approximately one hour. Lower voltages may be used with the general rule that a 50 V run will take twice as long as a 100 V run. Higher voltages may be used to decrease the run time; however, the heat generated during high voltage electrophoresis may decrease sample resolution. Such artifacts may be avoided by running the unit in a cold room or by adding 1 X electrophoresis buffer “ice cubes” to keep the unit properly cooled.
The suggested run parameters for the electrophoresis of RNA in agarose gels containing formaldehyde is 60-80 volts. Since the QS-710 has no capacity for buffer recirculation, the buffer from each reservoir should be collected after 1.5 hours of electrophoresis.
The IB51000 has a patented vented lid.