Save time and eliminate errors with one-button operation and results in about 80 seconds.
Automatically capture IDEXX UA Strip results and integrate with the patients’ medical records and invoices.
Improve results with consistent interpretation and color compensation for darkly colored samples.
Test menu
LEU (leukocytes)
PRO (protein)
GLU (glucose)
KET (ketones)
UBG (urobilinogen)
BIL (biliruben)
BLD/HGB (blood/hemoglobin)
Note: The IDEXX VetLab UA Analyzer does not read or print NIT (nitrate) and SG (specific gravity) results. Experts agree, specific gravity should be measured with a refractometer.
Dimensions & weight
Width: approximately 6 in (15.0 cm)
Depth: approximately 11.5 in (29.0 cm)
Height: approximately 3.7 in (9.4 cm)
Weight: approximately 1.7 lb (0.8 kg)