More accurate and specific compared to ISO 7899-2 and MoDW 2006, part 5.
Same easy-to-use platform as the Colilert-18 Test.
Ready-to-use media.
Simple procedure.
Most Probable Number (MPN) enumeration.
Unit-dosed packaging eliminates media preparation.
Reagent contains no toxic compounds.
Confirmed results in 24 hours.
Simplified quality control.
Less than 1 minute of hands-on time.
More accurate when compared to ISO 7899-2 on all samples.
More accurate when compared to Microbiology of Drinking Water (MoDW) 2006, part 5, on chlorine-stressed samples.
Liquid enrichment ensures optimized recovery.
Eliminates subjective interpretation of results determined by traditional methods.
The Enterolert-DW Test uses a Defined Substrate Technology (DST) nutrient indicator to detect enterococci. When coupled with the IDEXX Quanti-Tray System, the Enterolert-DW Test provides quantitative confirmed results in 24 hours. The Enterolert-DW Test utilizes ortho-nitrophenyl-β-D-glucoside as a nutrient indicator and incorporates a specifically designed blue background color in its formulation. When the enzyme substrate is metabolized by enterococci, the sample turns from blue to green to indicate detection. Any change from the original color to green is considered a positive result. No ultraviolet light source is required.