No autoclaving, filtering, or agar
No colony counting or interpretation
Simple procedure needs no special training.
Shares the same Quanti-Tray system as Colilert, Enterolert, and Pseudalert tests for maximum efficiency.
How the HPC for Quanti-Tray test works
The HPC for Quanti-Tray test is used for the quantification of heterotrophic organisms in 100 mL of water.
The test is based on the IDEXX proprietary Multiple Enzyme Technology, which detects viable heterotrophic organisms by testing for the presence of key enzymes known to be present in these organisms. The test uses multiple enzyme substrates that produce blue fluorescence when metabolized by waterborne bacteria.
The sample/reagent mixture is added to a Quanti-Tray, incubated, and then examined for fluorescing wells. The number of fluorescing wells corresponds to a most probable number (MPN) of total heterotrophic organisms in the original sample.