The ISO international standard for 24-hour detection of P. aeruginosa in water - ISO: 16266-2:2018.
Minimizes the risk of false positives from nontarget organisms.
Same easy-to-use platform as the Colilert Test.
Safeguard against "hot-tub rash," "swimmer’s ear," and a host of other infections, avoiding illness in sensitive populations.
Blue fluorescence of wells or vessel indicates a positive result.
Same familiar platform as the Colilert Test:
Ready-to-use reagents, no media preparation.
Convenient unit-dosed packaging.
No toxic compounds.
Use with Quanti-Tray or Quanti-Tray/2000 for most probable number (MPN) enumeration.
Definitive results in 24 hours.
Less than 1 minute of hands-on time for streamlined testing work flow.
Specifically detects Pseudomonas aeruginosa, reducing the risk of false positives from nontarget organisms.
Results are definitive without additional confirmation steps.
Simple blue fluorescent change minimizes subjective result interpretation.
The Pseudalert Test detects the presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in water samples.
The test is based on a bacterial enzyme detection technology that signals the presence of P. aeruginosa through the hydrolysis of a substrate in the Pseudalert reagent. P. aeruginosa cells rapidly grow and reproduce using the rich supply of amino acids, vitamins, and other nutrients present in the Pseudalert reagent. Actively growing strains of P. aeruginosa have an enzyme that cleaves the substrate in the reagent to produce blue fluorescence under ultraviolet light.