Ease of use simplifies training.
Unit-dosed packaging eliminates media preparation.
No repeat testing due to clogged filters or heterotrophic interference.
Quality Control (QC) procedure can be done in 15 minutes.
Less than 1 minute of hands-on time.
No glassware cleaning or colony counting.
Suppresses up to 5 million per 250 mL.
Eliminates the subjective interpretation found in traditional methods.
Detects a single viable coliform or E. coli per sample.
Minimizes evening and weekend work.
Up to 12-month shelf life at room temperature.
The Colilert 250 Test uses proprietary Defined Substrate Technology (DST) to simultaneously detect total coliforms and E. coli. Two nutrient-indicators, ONPG and MUG, are the major sources of carbon in the Colilert 250 Test and can be metabolized by the coliform enzyme β-galactosidase and the E. coli enzyme β-glucuronidase, respectively.