The IDCAM ST implant line (type
IM)benefits from the SMA + Ti02
state of surface initiated by IDI
and used since 1987.
This self-condensing implant
stands 75 screwing stress
without being affected. The
IDCAM ST implant draws special
attention to itself due to its
Switching Cone neck and
to its cylindro-tapered body
identical to a dental root.
The angulation, the state and
the depth of the threads are
specially studied to optimize
the primary stabilization in any
bone density and favor the
immediate loading.
Its CSO apex
The concave area allows to sustain
grafted biomaterials during sinus lift.
The atraumatic round-shaped end limits
the risks of damaging neighbouring
The peripheral wedge groove increases
the apical bone retention surface.
Internal part of IDCAM
Cam retention
For a better connection accuracy.
2,5° Morse taper
Internal Universal ISO threading
Groove of IDCAM
Helicoidal groove for an anti-unscrewing
effect of implant.
The internal part is the same, whatever
the diameter of implant.
Implant placement in canvas shape
Technique of implant placement without any
Implant pushing the Schneiderian membrane.
The CSO apex allows the realization of low-risk
The 3,5mm diameter
implants must be used
only for lower and upper
lateral incisors.
The 8mm IDCAM implants
do not have any CSO
The IDCAM implants are
supplied with a closing
and a healing cap.
To improve
aesthetic quality, it
is recommended to
position the implant 1mm
under the bone crest