The IDCAM ST implant differentiates from the IDCAM S by its convex apex.
Its deeper apical threads and its new penetrating convex apex enable to get 2 mm additional anchorage.
This provides a major primary anchorage, ideal for implant placement in the lower jaw.
The IDCAM range has a unique concept. The angulations, the space and the depth of its threads were carefully studied to optimize the primary stability and make the most of an immediate load.
CSO ® Apex: its concave area works as a bone reservoir and is aimed to sustain grafted biomaterial in sinus lift surgeries.
There are two types of implants for the IDCAM range :
The standard type: IDCAM ST.
The Mini-threaded type: IDCAM M.
- Cylindro-tapered shaped
- 2 types : Standard and Mini-threads.
- Titanium alloy: TAL6V ELI
- S.M.A. and TiO2 state of surface
- Switching cone
- Condensing mini-threads
- Condensing high-threads
- Anti-unscrewing groove
- Self-drilling low threads
- Cam retention
- 2,5° Morse taper (same to all diameters from the range)
-Universal ISO threading
LENGTH: 8mm - 10mm - 12mm - 15mm
DIAMETERS: 3,5mm - 4,2mm - 5,2mm
The 3,5mm diameter
implants must be used
only for lower and upper
lateral incisors.
The IDCAM implants are
supplied with a closing
and a healing cap.
To improve aesthetic
quality, it is recommended to position the
implant 1mm under the
bone crest.
It is recommended to
set as many implants
as lacking natural roots
in the patient mouth in
order to secure the lasting
of the prosthesis.
The length choice and
diameter of implant must
be based on the bone
density determined by
the CT- scan.