Model TC-1000 Temperature Controller monitors and controls the body temperature of small animals. This microprocessor-based instrument features a low-voltage DC proportional controller to provide artifact-free heating using a resistive heating blanket. The smooth Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) control eliminates the electrical transients common to on/off type controllers. A front-panel LCD panel displays the current body temperature, the targeted set-point temperature, alarm settings, and a heater power bar graph. An analog output provides a linear voltage corresponding to temperature.
The controller uses standard YSI-400 series (or compatible) thermistor probes. These interchangeable probes are available from CWE in a variety of sizes to suit the animal being monitored. Resistive heating blankets are available in mouse, rat, or cat size. Other resistive-type heating devices (such as immersion heaters) can be connected, as long as the current draw is less than 3A at 12VDC. Heater currents up to 10A are possible using an external battery or power supply, accessible using binding posts on the rear panel.