Illumina DNA Prep offers flexibility for many whole-genome sequencing applications.
Fastest Illumina library prep workflow, with ~3.5 hours total time
Flexibility to accommodate variations in sample type, DNA input amount, and application
Optimized library prep performance, generating reliable results
Learn more about the technology
Save Time and Resources
Illumina DNA Prep uses a fast, user-friendly workflow. On-bead tagmentation chemistry reduces total library prep time to ~3.5 hours, from DNA extraction to library normalization.
Simplify Lab Operations
The Illumina DNA Prep workflow supports a broad DNA input range (1–500 ng), multiple sample types, and both small and large genomes. The workflow includes DNA extraction from blood, saliva, or dried blood spots*or bacterial colonies*.
Gain the flexibility to sequence human or other large, complex genomes as well as amplicons or microbial species, all with a single kit.
Obtain Reliable Results
While accommodating various study requirements, the Illumina DNA Prep workflow delivers consistent insert sizes, uniform coverage, and optimized performance, regardless of DNA input amount or genome size. The bead-based technology minimizes bias and opportunities for error, resulting in highly reproducible sequencing data.
Access Flexible Throughput Options
The IDT for Illumina - DNA/RNA UD Indexes Sets A, B, C, and D offer up to 384 unique dual indexes, enabling accurate assignment of reads and efficient use of the flow cell. (Sets A and B are available now. Sets C and D are coming soon.)