Combine proven NGS technology with tunable output to enable sequencing and array capabilities across a range of applications
Learn how the NextSeq 550 System is enhancing research in reproductive and genetic health and why it’s being rapidly adopted in small and large genetic testing labs. Get a glimpse into the advantages of this integrated, cost-effective solution for diverse applications.
Keep pace with genomics
Harness the complementary powers of sequencing and genotyping on a single instrument. Facilitate discoveries in small and large labs with:
One-day turnaround for many popular sequencing applications
Configurable output based on sample volume and coverage needs
A single DNA-to-results workflow
Scale with confidence
Support evolving needs with a robust, efficient, and rapid workflow that enables tunable output:
Shift from high- to low-throughput sequencing with two flow cell configurations
Sequence a broad range of samples per run
Benefit from the full suite of Illumina library preparation and target enrichment solutions
Perform world-class bioinformatics
Access fast and accurate data analysis pipelines through Illumina DRAGEN secondary analysis on BaseSpace Sequence Hub. Cloud-based, local, or on-premises server options deliver secure and user-friendly genomic insights to fuel your research.
Explore further with microarray scanning
Easily transition between high-throughput sequencing and array scanning, powered by bead-based BeadArray technology and proven Infinium chemistry. By integrating two technologies into a single instrument, the NextSeq 550 System saves instrument costs and limited lab space while maximizing available applications.