Submicron resolution and high sample throughput deliver exceptional data quality and rapid scan times
Explore more
One system to support a wide breadth of applications, including agrigenomics, DNA methylation studies, biomarker screening, and more.
Data you can trust
With high call rates, sensitive measurement, and a wide dynamic range, the iScan System produces exceptional data quality and reproducible results.
Flexibility to meet your needs
Modular components and automation options create a tunable system that can be configured to match virtually any scale of project.
Streamline your array workflow
1 Manage workflow
Manage your workflow seamlessly with Clarity LIMS or your existing LIMS system.
2 Array processing
Choose from a comprehensive suite of array products for genotyping and epigenetic analysis, or design custom arrays to suit your research.
3 Array scanning
Scan hundreds to thousands of samples quickly and accurately with automation options.
Featured applications
SNP array identifies inherited genetic disorder contributing to IVF failures
Shanghai Ji Ai Genetics and IVF (GIVF) Institute use the HumanKaryomap-12 Array for simultaneous analysis of molecular haplotypes and aneuploidy screening in blastocysts for informed IVF embryo selection.
How two agriculture cooperatives are changing bovine assessment
Using genomic breeding, Evolution and Charolais Univers help farmers improve herds and support sustainable environmental practices.