To identify and monitor scoliosis, it is crucial to identify relevant parameters on the spine and conduct several measurements, such as the Cobb angle and the coronal balance.
IB Lab SQUIRREL™ significantly enhances the reliability and precision of Cobb angle measurements. The software streamlines the assessment, improves efficiency, and indirectly benefits the radiological workflow. Furthermore, it provides additional expert insights without the need for extra resources and reduces intra-rater variability, resulting in more consistent radiological assessments.
Workflow efficiency
saves time and leads to higher inter-reader agreement
Automated read on expert level
IB Lab SQUIRREL™ is interchangeable with an expert read
Repeatable measurements
Product description
IB Lab SQUIRREL is a fully automated, radiological image processing software that aims to support physicians in the assessment of spinal morphology and scoliosis evaluation using frontal radiographs of the spine, particularly for the purpose of scoliosis assessment and disease progression. The algorithm is triggered automatically by a scoliosis study and returns relevant scoliosis parameters like the patient’s Cobb angle and the Coronal Balance. All findings are summarized in a visual output report, attached to the original x-ray image and saved automatically in the PACS system.
IB Lab SQUIRREL facilitates objective scoliosis assessment as well as monitoring disease progression.
AP/PA full spine
Vertebral detection/ labeling
Spinal alignment
Cobb angle
Coronal balance
Calibration ball support
Metalwork detection
Bracing support