High-speed sheet-fed braille embosser
BrailleBox is a printer for high volume production. By printing with three heads simultaneously the speed increases three times.
BrailleBox is the only high-speed braille printer for cut-sheet paper.
Speed up to 300 characters per second
400 pages automatic sheet-feeder
Automated braille tray
Optimized for booklet production on A3 paper
Dot forming height 0,58 mm
Noise canceling construction
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Braille on cut sheet paper
Use standard office quality paper, minimum 150 g/m2
Holds 400 sheets
Supports 150-180 gsm paper weight
Optimized for A3 and 11x17" paper
Supports also A4, Letter, 11x11,5 and B4
Best for booklet format
The printed papers and pages are automatically organized in correct order
Automatic Braille Tray Door
The door will automatically pick up any obstacles during closure. In the event that any obstructions remain, the door will not close.
Noise Canceling Design
Noise reduction:
Sealed design
Noice absorbing materials
Ventilation mufflers