The automatic window system is a window control system, a window automation that allows, when combined with a VAV extraction system, a reduction in the cost of using the huge fume hood, because as soon as it is no longer while the window is open with high extraction flows it automatically lowers and reduces the extraction flow.
This system also allows that with just a slight touch up or down the window goes to the maximum or minimum height respectively. All this is automatic thanks to a system that involves several sensors; sensors for the presence of users and objects, as well as height sensors where the window is located, a central control box that compresses all the readings and presents the data to the user on the controller; finally we have the engine that fulfills all these actions. The controller allows us to parameterize the actions we want the window to perform for different situations.
The automatic window system is something that a laboratory, which values the safety of its users and the safety of the space, must take into account. It is a system that prevents human errors that can sometimes occur in the case of, for example, leaving the window open while an experiment is taking place, which can contaminate the environment and put users in danger.