Remote cardiac monitoring at the heart of virtual care.
Remote monitoring made for virtual cardiology. The sky is the limit.
As virtual care finds its permanent place in healthcare, providers require a flexible and scalable approach to cardiac telemetry that provides them the acuity, agility, and adaptability needed to provide first-class care in any setting. The MoMe™ ARC Platform delivers on all of these requirements, and so much more.
Through the dynamic MoMe™ Gateway*, hospital-to-home MoMe™ Now, configurable MoMe™ K-Series lead sets and suite of cloud-based MoMe™ Solutions, providers can tailor the platform to virtually any clinical use case with full confidence in the full disclosure model that has differentiated InfoBionic from the very start.
What’s in a name? Everything we stand for.
Any level of acuity, any virtual setting.
Our flexible 1-, 3-, and 7-lead configurations can be tailored to support a complete range of data acuity—from the most advanced cardiac monitoring use cases to the least.
Founded on quality and innovation.
Our core competency in remote cardiac arrhythmia detection enables us to deliver high-fidelity insights to care providers, eliminating the gaps between them and their patient’s data.