Infomed offers a new device with optimal solutions for all homecare situations without compromising the therapeutic effectiveness. With homecare dialysis, when compared to dialysis performed in hospital, studies show that patients feel better during dialysis and less “washed out” afterwards. They sleep better, have fewer and shorter hospital stays and have better quality of life.
Minimal training requirement
Self-explicative interface with pictograms
Pre-programmed treatments with interactive planning
Assistance on the machine screen
Just one cassette
The DIMI door can be open to insert one simple cassette which is the same for all treatments such as PD, HD, HDF, HF and UF
Easily raises the DIMI machine by pushing the button
Syringe pump
Allows injection of anticoagulation solutions in the blood loop in either a bolus and continuous modes during the whole treatment with the possibility to program a stop of the flow up to 1 hour before the end of the treatment.
Lightweight box
Thanks to wheels and soft box, DIMI is easy to move and well protected during transport.
Be on the move
Patient's freedom to travel and change his treatment place every day, either inside his house as from his bedroom to the living room or outside as from his main residence to his hotel along the beach.
DIMiBOX, the natural extension of DIMI
DIMiBOX provides convenient and on-demand access for all users regardless of their geographical location, to all DIMI’s related data. It allows for example real-time monitoring of treatments, definition and review of the treatments protocols and a closer and more efficient relation between stakeholders.