CQI for Kleihauer test
The CQI "IJB K-Control" is a biological sample allowing the establishment of a quality control of the results during the research and the quantification of fetal red cells by the test of Kleihauer within the frame of the search for the Fetomaternal haemorrhages.
The device "IJB K-Control" consists of 5 slides covered with a smear made from a globular suspension that contains adult red blood cells and fetal hemocytes containing hemoglobin F, derived from cord blood. These slides are ready to be stained after cooling to room temperature.
This device, used as an internal quality control, the result of which is known, must be analyzed with slide staining techniques (Kleihauer test), under the same conditions as slides of biological samples.
"IJB K-Control" blades are ready for use. They are made from a globular suspension of adult red blood cells in which is added a small amount of fetal red blood cells. These fetal red cells from cord blood contain hemoglobin F.
The amount of fetal red cells per 10,000 adult red blood cells is shown in the target table in the kit.
Packaging: Box of 5 blades individually wrapped