DAT-QC 25% IgG and DAT-QC C3b-C3d (Coombs Test)
Internal Quality Control for the direct anti-IgG antiglobulin test, and
Internal Quality Control for the direct anti-C3b-C3d antiglobulin test
DAT-QC IgG Internal Quality Control consists of a globular suspension previously sensitized in vitro by antibodies of IgG nature.
The DAT-QC IgG internal quality control analysis allows the interpretation and validation of the direct anti-IgG antiglobulin test in accordance with the decree of 26 April 2002 (GBEA).
DAT-QC C3b-C3d Internal Quality Control consists of a globular suspension
previously sensitized in vitro with complement.
The analysis of the internal quality control DAT-QC C3b-C3d allows the interpretation and the
validation of the direct anti-complement antiglobulin test in accordance with the decree of 26
April 2002 (GBEA) and the OJ of May 23, 2018 (text 21 of 218).
> Direct Antiglobulin Test
> Suspension of red blood cells sensitized in-vitro by IgG 2 x 4 ml
> Suspension of red blood cells sensitized in-vitro by complement C3b-C3d 2 x 4 ml