Reagent kit for Easy-K support
Semi-manual Kleihauer test
This reagent set can be used without the Easy-K holder and purchased separately.
In-vitro diagnostic medical device (D.M.D.I.V.) that enables research and quantification of fetal red cells by the Kleihauer test, using the IBJB Easy-K support.
COMPOSITION OF THE BOX (Reference: 901080234)
A box allows to test at most 30 blades.
Bottle # 1: Fixation solution (contains 80% denatured ethanol) 1 x 90 mL
Bottle # 2: Elution Solution: Citrate / Phosphate Buffer (pH 3.2) 5 x 90 mL
Bottle # 3: Colorant A: Mayer's Hemalum 1 x 90 mL
Bottle # 4: Color B: Phloxine 1 x 90 mL
Ctrl positive blade (≥ 5 fetal hemocytes per 10,000 adult red blood cells) 1 blade
Negative ctrl blade (no HF) 1 blade