The Intan Technologies Stimulation/Recording System is a modular family of components based on the RHS2000 series of digital stimulator/ amplifier chips that allows users to perform electrical stimulation and recording across as many as 128 channels using small, affordable hardware and free, open-source software.
Any channel can independently source and sink currents from 10 nA to 2.55 mA over a +/-9V compliance range. Biphasic and triphasic current pulses are generated with timing resolution as fine as 33 microseconds. Stimulation pulses may be independent or coordinated across channels, and maybe be triggered by digital inputs or keypresses.
Integrated amplifiers have characteristics identical to Intan's RHD2000 extracellular recording chips, with new circuitry added to recover quickly from stimulation artifacts.
The Intan 128ch Stimulation/Recording Controller (Part #M4200) connects to a host computer via a standard USB connection. Small stim/ record headstages connect to the Stimulation / Recording Controller via thin, flexible Stim SPI interface cables that may be daisy-chained to form long, robust connections. Each headstage port has independent ground isolation to eliminate ground loop noise.