Looking for a reliable walk-away Petri dish filler?
When filling agar medium into Petri dishes, a sterile environment is of utmost importance. However, the risk of contaminating the agar medium if poured manually into Petri dishes should not be underestimated. Even if using a peristaltic pump, sterility might be jeopardized as dishes and tubes are manipulated by hand. In addition, filling a large number of Petri dishes manually is a painstaking process.
The INTEGRA Petri dish filler helps you to avoid these drawbacks. MEDIAJET can process up to 1100 dishes in a single hour and provides truly reliable walk-away operation. Equipped with a UV lamp, the filling chamber where Petri dishes are automatically filled with agar medium, is kept free from contamination.
How it works
MEDIAJET offers the unique flexibility to fill Petri dishes of various sizes, Petri dishes with two compartments or test tubes of various diameters and length. At the same time, MEDIAJET requires only minimal bench space in the laboratory.
Easy Handling
MEDIAJET Petri dish filler features an intuitive user interface
The intuitive user interface makes it very easy to control all functions of MEDIAJET. The operation of the system is entirely self-explanatory, as all functions and prompts are explained in plaintext.
Reliable Walk-Away Automation
With the novel Feed-In/Stack-Out technology, MEDIAJET guarantees a reliable operation. Typical production variations in the diameter or shape of the Petri dishes are easily handled by the unit, as they are actively guided throughout the entire filling process.